Saturday, January 25, 2014

Writing, working and upgrades!

Silly Life. Getting in the way of my writing!

I have had a busy couple of days, though that is nothing compared to people who actually do this for a living. Catching up with Neil Gaiman's blog, and reading my own writing I've determined there is a lot more to life than writing in a blog daily and considering that " writing ". I have a long way to come before I'm in that winners circle.

Since my last post, I have been home mostly recovering from the adventures that I had with my wife and pup. We haven't really had anything terribly exciting happen for the past couple of days.

I got new headphones, that cover my ears so I can focus more clearly on writing and not so much on the outside world. It's just easier to focus on the voices in my head than the voices coming into my ears.

Yesterday at work our remote reps equipment broke causing them all to have to come in. There was a lapse in their appearance in our queue ( for those who don't work in a call center, the queue is where the calls come into our building and routed to us individuals )

I usually get to work crazy early due to the shift I share with my wife. She starts at 8 and I start at 10. It's just easier to come in and just write this or another part of my story while I wait for my shift to start. Since I get here so early they asked if I would go on the phones early with the promise of being able to leave early. Which was great, the wife and I got to get home an hour earlier. We were so excited we did nothing productive and watched Netflix.

The funny thing is this: your body gets so used to working one shift when you make changes it really causes a rift in your mentality of the day. My wife is usually half way through her shift before my first break. Yesterday we got to have all our breaks together which was great, though the day seemed to be hanging in some sort of matrix-y chasm, unaware of where I really was in the time or space. It was 3 o'clock in the real world but 3 o'clock in Alex world is lunch time and half way through my shift.

I was getting restless even though I had just had a break. It messed me up a little. Long story short, as soon as I got home I was ready for bed. And that's what I did, shamefully.

As for the world of Writing!

I am making changes to my story a little bit. I've hired a co-worker of mine to draw up a couple of concepts for my character, just so I can use that as a guidance for the rest of my story. I have had the same picture of Lukas in my head for too long. He has changed quite a bit since last time I wrote about him from that concept. For me, it's important to see the little guy in 'real life' which is still him being on a piece of paper, but to see the face that I've created from someone else will be a nice change.

I have to admit I am really excited to see what she comes up with and to visualize what my little guy is going to be. It's strange, it's like he's the little guy I've always wanted him to be; when I was a kid all I could have imagined is a friend like him- and I really wish he was real. In my head, he is! He's 'grown' up so much in my head, and formed a really cool little dude. I'm like his parent, seeing him grow into the person I know from today- all from that one picture and an idea. I made someone who is truly wonderful. I just hope my kids are going to be as cool ( which they are, duh. Just look at Joanna and I...)

I'll keep you guys updated on what comes from that when I hear back. I'll wait anxiously by my computer, refreshing my gmail the entire time awaiting the response back and the happy face that I'll have when I see his face. He's always going to be in my mind as one person, the person that made the story real to me. I'm just hoping the readers will feel the same about him as I do. So far, the reviews have been great from family and friends. I'll make sure to share the adventures Lukas and I have here soon!

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