Friday, January 31, 2014

The pieces move forward, homeward bound?

How do you know you're in the right place. At the right time. 

We are always told as kids that we need to find ourselves. There are no directions, except do what you want to do with out it being entirely too illegal. Just don't get into trouble.

I've been on that quest my entire life, along the way I have met people that have influenced my thoughts and feelings towards other people and even fell in love. 

So far it's been pretty good. There has been a lot of moving, a lot of picking up lives and jobs. These experiences and adventures will influence our lives forever. The memories will never be the same, they will never go away. Some bad, most of them good. 

But now it's more than just moving around finding yourself. Even trying to find that one person. I have that now. It's all a part of growing up, realizing your potential and going to get that potential.

Will my life forever be searching for something I've been overlooking the entire time? Have I been going around in the vane hope that somewhere 'outside' of my comfort zone, when I should have been looking there the entire time.

My worst fear is that I will always regret the move, that I never gave it my 100% before dropping the hope that something would happen and moving on. I seemed to be doing that quite often, and for my life- and my marriage I hope I'm making the correct decisions.  

Or is it that I've just been trying to locate to a place that I never belonged in the first place. I'm picking up our lives at every turn and trying to fit into another place to where our lifestyles are no match. Forcing a puzzle piece a place it doesn't belong. That has been our lives so far. Moving, fitting in- the goal this entire time has always been getting a house and finding that 'home' feeling that we both have been searching for our entire lives. 

We're looking for the safety of the home life. Where we know we're going to be able to invest the money that we get into something we're going to get to keep forever. Something that 10 or 20 years down the line we know that we're going to be able to look back on and be proud of. 

Is that feeling here? Are we just not giving it enough time to sink in? We're fairly settled here. We have something of a life- but there is still that nagging feeling that there should be more to life than getting up and going to work coming home and turning on Netflix. Yes, there is a lot to see around here; it's winter. No one wants to get out and about. Especially for the 405, where you're murdered for going too slow and pulled over for going to fast. There is no medium here. Too fast paced for us. 

Could we potentially get used to that? Would it be a safe place for our kids to grow up? The answerers to these questions can only be answered by time, but who is keeping track? Father time tells us that we need to get to where we're going to be happy. And for us right now, all we want is happiness and surrounded by family. There is only one place you can have that. Home. There has been a little too much effort for us to create a home when there has been one calling to us the entire time. 

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