Thursday, January 23, 2014

End of one adventure, beginning of another..

The end of an adventure. The Vacation ended, but good memories and happy faces are all that will remind me of how fun of a time we actually had.

We started our morning packing up and warming the car- it wasn't too terribly cold, but just cold enough to be uncomfortable. Which is usually the mornings here in the Pacific North West. We drove south, through the traffic doom that is the 405, we managed to get off the main roads and traveled down to our destination; The Sunny Seaside Oregon.

Though it wasn't really sunny. Oregon was very wet, and reminded me of a simpler time back home to Kentucky. Rolling hills; farmland as far as the eye could see and plenty of people with trucks as big as their egos.

As we came rolling into our destination; we saw at the end of the lane where our hotel was the roaring ocean. An awesome site: crashing white waves, a dark blue and grey against the crests and white caps. Wind blew us all around as we made our walk down the ocean side.

 We bundled together, hoping to stay warm; as we were just in nothing more than a sweatshirt from the journey south- the smell of fish and sea salt filled our nostrils. Our poor little puppy didn't understand what this tiny gritty stuff was we were making her walk on but soon didn't care anymore- she ran and played all around, even making a few friends along the way.

Our hotel room was cozy, and warm with a tiny view of the ocean- though it's impression was still upon us as we could hear it's call even from inside the room just as clearly as if we were outside.

There were shops we explored, and touristy traps for people who had nothing more to do than spend money on things they would soon feel guilty for. Seafood restaurants littered with small mom and pops who were just trying to bring in the younger crowed to the otherwise senior population.

The most fun my wife would say we had was at the aquarium. Where we were able to feed the seals- found little baby ones who were just as cute as little puppy; and a grouchy old one who wouldn't let anyone pass.

We were got up close and personal to several octopuses, who were in little tanks- stuck to a wall minding it's own business, it's tentacles floating about with a mind of their own. Just as you got close enough to get a good look it would flick and move giving you the impression that if you got closer it would pull you under. It's suction cups pressed tightly against the rock wall holding it in place.

There was a conversation had about whether or not it was sleeping or feeding, which we never found the true answer. My guess; as it's eyes were closed, and it's body pulsed and bubbled against the rock was that had to be sleeping. Joanna's was another fateful tale of how we really would never know, as to how many starfish there were strung around the area, her argument was, " they had to be there more than for show. " And that was as solid as the rock the octopus was suctioned to.

After that we returned to the room as beat as our faces were red. The wind was picking up, the air was getting colder, the ocean fiercer in the darkness. In the night we decided to go down to the ocean, to see it's triumphant glory, it's proud roar never ceased. Though retreated in it's depths the current further than I had ever seen.

We walked for nearly a mile on the beach, forward from our hotel- I never reached the waves, though one moment of fear and a cowardly run later, it had returned, then retreated- as though scaring off anyone silly enough to get close to it's shallows.

The next morning we took our time coming back home- driving around exploring cities and shops.  We got some good deals on comfy adventure clothing and decided to spend some time in Astoria as well.

The shops were small- but had enough in them to keep a prospect shopper busy for hours. We went into several book stores, some crazy antique shops. But finally after procrastinating a full day of casual walking around, shopping and good times we decided it was a good time to head back home.

We realized on the way home that this was the first vacation we had had with out having to go to the another persons house, we were able to go back to the place we called home. Which is still an apartment in a busy city. But at the end of the day it was our home, we felt safe there and slept well.

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