Thursday, January 16, 2014

Consider me a writer

It's been a week. A week since I decided I was going to make a change in my life and try to make more of an effort to actually do something that makes me happy. This is what I found out so far.

As you read the entries up to this one, you might think I write about basically the same thing; happiness, things that make me happy, and time. These things are just always on my mind. My job is not a glorious one, I a am a tech support rep for a cable company. I don't necessarily get yelled at a lot, but it can get rather frustrating with the subscribers. Majority of which should really re-consider even having any type of technology in their house- but what are they going to do? They live in a world where it's mandatory to learn and use the tech that is in their house if they want to watch basic TV. The problem with that is when you get people who don't want help, they just want you to fix it…. 

However this blog entry isn't about my job, or the woes that it brings to my everyday life- it's about how much of a different it actually brings to my day. Last week as you probably already read- or even if you're starting with this one- it wasn't a good week to work. The days were long, and people were mad due to an outage that happened with a vicious wind storm, I was very down- the days were running together and I wasn't sure how I was going to get through the rest of the week. luckily I have people who watch over me. 

Over the years I have retained the stories that I read as a child and they've really made me into the man I am today- I love to read and these types of stories; ones that stick with you and retained over your life time. Memories of a happier time, a simpler time in my life where all I had to do was write. Though I didn't, and regret that choice daily. Though, a lot of it still means that I won't do the things I did as a child and leaves more time for me now to write when I get the time to do so  ( Which I should be doing anyway ) I hope to one day write one of those stories, and am working on a couple that I hope my readers will some day write in their blogs about! 

The reason I brought up these stories was thus: I have retained the memories of another person, or people in the stories I've read and want to keep them forever in the words that are typed here. I do this by making sure that my blog is a place where I can be safe. I can write about what I want to write about, where I can keep my thoughts and ideas safe. Kind of like the pensive of Dumbledore in the popular Harry Potter Books.  You, as the reader don't even need to ask to look through these memories! You're free to read and even comment on these as much as you like to- much like how Harry did, though he didn't exactly have the permission to rifle through Dumbledores, not like he cared though! 

This is my pensive, this is where I write, and fuel my ambitions to write, where I can freely write about everything that happens, or just random anecdotes about my life and how I feel about certain people ( which will more or less fill the pages far more than anything else ) I guess you could consider me an opinionated person. But you're not reading this to judge me ( at least I hope not ) you're reading this because you are interested in what I have to say. 

Writing here has made me write almost daily ( I slacked once! ) and through that has made me start thinking about writing, if you're ever thinking about becoming a writer in your life I would highly recommend doing this. It helps! 

So- here is to the new week, a new start to what I've already started, the writing flowing every day, and soon will overflow into something a little more productive than just writing in a blog. There are many stories floating around my head, many of which I will be posting here as well! Enjoy the ride!

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