Sunday, January 19, 2014

Traveling; writing; and a zombie!

Today I decided; instead of the general ramblings of a wanna-be writer- I would actually provide you guys with something else to read.

This is a real post- I know, right? Might actually want to sit down for this one, as I tell you what's going on in my life. Which isn't much, and might be the shortest post yet. ( lets be honest, I'll start to ramble, as I'm doing now *stops* ) 

As I started writing this blog, I have realized that things in the world are true inspirations. I have written small stories about coffee cups, and wizards; fog and even football ( go seahawks ) 

I have been working slowly but surely on everything under the sun besides the one thing that I should be working on, which is my real story. The thing that looms in the back of my mind, poking and prodding my brain * write me…* poor soul. 

I am hoping that this weekend I'll have some time to where I can actually dedicate to my writings- working on my wizard story ( of a young man who works in a similar field as I- but as a Zap Representative- he can zap to peoples houses with a wave of his wand and essentially take care of any issues they might have with a wave of his wand ) And also the story of Lukas Fernweh, a young boy who finds himself in a world with out color. 

The plans are this weekend to actually get lost somewhere. The wife and I had been doing that when we lived in Minnesota almost every weekend we had off- driving around, the only road signs we were following were some variation of brightly colored cardboard with the words: " Yard sale " on it. In washington state it's still rather cold for there to be any sales as of yet. it's harder when you live in a bigger town to just drive around and get lost- not having to worry about the traffic of the people around you but being forgotten and forgiven, just the tires meeting the pavement and over all good conversation. 

We had planned to go to Oregon for the first time, to see what Portland had to offer. Thinking it might be time to look around for places that weren't so convoluted and populated. The people in Washington state are very unique in their own rights- just alike the air around them. Hard. Everyone has their own story- of how they came over here, either on boat or on road such as we had. No one is giving up their tale! Hopefully there are better stories and opportunities to see what the north has to offer us as a family. Maybe even cheaper living which would be a plus. 

As such, my wife claims to have seen a Zombie prowling the pier by where we live today on our way to work- just in time to discover a new place to inhabit- right? Just as the city falls! ( I didn't see this " zombie" and wanted to turn around ) We're safe here though, not a lot of windows, behind a locked door and 4 floors up. I'm pretty sure I saw a 24 food-service truck driving around too- the best time ever to being thinking of taking a trip somewhere and getting lost! 

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