Friday, January 17, 2014


We look in the mirror, we get used to seeing what reflects there. You see the scars of the mistakes you made as a young adult. They seem to us as though marked with a yellow highlighter. But they make us who we are, the choices we made as a child remind of us who we were, and the road that we had to take in order to become the person we are today. 

When do you know when to get off the road and start paving your own way? The american way is when you leave school, and start your own either through college or playing with the idea of the american dream. Starting work, getting bills- stressing out. The question remains, when do you change from this? 

As Americans- we expect there to be change that comes to us in our everyday life. Though most people realize that there has to be something there in order for us to make the 'change'. There is still a good amount of people who don't realize that there still needs to be something that is different in your life in order to experience something that can be considered a 'new' path. 

You can make small adjustments in your life that could just shape themselves into another change, instead of sitting on your bum on the couch after work or school you could do something closer to doing your dream. Going back to school, or just work on something you love. 

Currently I am working on this habit myself, everyday before work I have a couple of hours where I do not have anything to do. I dodge my bosses and sit and do something for myself. It can be anything- reading your devotion, writing something ( even free-writing- blogs count! ) or just meditating ( something I haven't tired yet ) these all will make your day noticeably different, both to you and your significant other or even roommates. 

I've made the mistakes here that I can promise you won't make any difference in your life. Spending all your money on clothes that you're going to wear through the day can sometimes make you feel good for a little while but it wears off. Or staying up all night with friends can sometimes make some good memories but at the end of the day you're going to be tired and not prepared for your day. Not only that but the people around you will notice that you're groggy or even rude because you're not 100%.

 Life is all about how you perceive it; how you make that difference in your own life so you can make the difference in others lives. It might mean life or death to that individual, it might make or break their day. The people in your live need you just as much as you need them, if you're not 100% for them how can you expect them to be 100% for you? Just keep that in mind as you're surfing the internet or searching for something to watch on netflix next time, make that difference that you'll feel good about the next day or even through out the day. It's all about getting the upper hand on the shadows of the day- shake them off and make good art! 

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