Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Freedom means a lot of different things to everyone. But to me it means weekend. That allotted amount of time in which you're supposed to recover from the work week. But what are you actually supposed to do with that amount of time.

Depending on what you do, of course:

Some people don't have the privilege of getting time off to do anything except work. Maybe that's the fate that I will end up finding myself in. But also, I don't think that it would matter- if it's doing something that you love. I guess the question remains: what if you're doing what you love too much?

Neil Gaiman has stated that this year, for the next six months he will be taking a sabbatical of time off from social media. This could mean a lot of things- personally I think it's meaning that he's spreading himself too thin. Perhaps it is as Bilbo Baggins said after having the Ring of Power for many many years,

" I feel... thin. Sort of stretched, like... butter scraped over too much bread. I need a holiday. A very long holiday. And I don't expect I shall return. In fact I mean not to. " 

Lets just hope he doesn't end it such as Bilbo intended to. For all the creative sake in the world. For all the holidays in the world, I know even from my skewed perspective as a 'wanna-be' writer that his brain will never allow him rest from the creative juices. Gaiman has many times said that he isn't even allowed a DAY where he isn't writing something, lest that be his blog or something else that he's been working on.

He's a perfect example of how doing something you love will never be considered, work. There might be bad days, there might be times where you would rather just copy all of the text that you've been working on and literally just erase it all and start over. I certainly know I've been there, frustration is just a part of the job of bringing happiness to the world.

Freedom is what ever you make of it, you can do what ever you wish with it- I can guarantee you that if you do something productive in the time given you will feel a lot better for it. Though every once in awhile it's always good to give yourself the time to just do absolutely nothing, rest up my friends- life is a rocky road, you only get out of it what you put in; spend it wisely. 

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