Thursday, January 30, 2014

Weekend are the best when they're in the middle of the week

Another weekend of nothing in particular. I watched some good tv shows, but other than that not a lot else.

Together we made some good food, cleaned up the apartment and my wife figured out some things on her own blog: 

( you should check it out ) 

And checked my email. A lot. 

I feel like this would be me if I had been mildly successful in writing. Someone who awaits the email from publishers saying, " Your work is amazing. " the types of emails one dreams about in a far off sort of way. I am still very far away from that type. No. This email was from my Illustrator, I got to see a sneak peak at her interpretation of what Lukas looked liked based on some drawings ( very poor ones ) of my own. It looks wonderful! 

Maybe I am a little too anxious of the arrival of Lukas's face. Or maybe because it's someone else's idea of how my character will look in her own creative eye.

I had a conversation to her about it the other day claiming that it felt as if she was babysitting my character and he'll be different and spoiled. Maybe that's the case. 

Regardless, I miss Lukas. Which doesn't mean that he's gone. He's still there, but he will be different. I guess that is the first step to any kind of creative work, is that your first step is to let go. Maybe that's how being a parent is too? I'm too young to know that feeling yet! 

Still waiting word, I have to learn to be patient but the little kid inside of me ( perhaps that's lukas ) jumps up and down with anticipation. I cannot wait to see what it is, and perhaps once I see that I will be inspired to write more, but cannot rely on that as my reason behind why I am or am not writing either. That's just silly. 

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