Thursday, January 30, 2014


Rubbing sleep from my eyes. legs stiff from restless sleep; a hot cup of joe to dampen the cold morning, I wait. 

I boot my computer up, soft music harmonies chime and ding in my ear through headphones, cutting me away from the outside world. I wait.

I refresh my email countless times, seconds after another- in the vane hope that something will change, checking things that make no difference in my life at all; twitter, Facebook. I wait

I spend the time I should be using for other useful things, looking at useless facts online- getting lost in the matrix that is the internet all awhile I wait. 

I wait for something to change, I wait for the inspiration that will never come unless I do the one thing I am waiting for. 

I constantly think of excuses of why I shouldn't be doing the one thing that will make the difference in my own heart; watching endless episodes of nothing-in-particular  on Netflix. 

I wait. For nothing but hope. 

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